Earth-Fault Connection Signalling SZS2
reliable assistant in your DC applications

Earth-Fault Connection Signalling SZS2 is designed for monitoring for the eart-fault connection in DC voltage circuits. It signalizes depression of the resistance level against the ground under a preset level, independently for both polarities. The fault is signalized on the control panel and can be also shown out in the external terminal bar for a remote control.
SZS2 uses a priciple of comparing of the artificial voltage center and the ground potential. There are two relays wired between these two levels, and close when the resistance of the active pole drops under a preset level. One relay closes if there is the earth-fault connection against the plus pole, the second relay closes for the opposite polarity.
SZS2 is fed from the measured voltage.
- vyhodnocování obou polarit napětí
- dva spínací kontakty pro každou polaritu napětí
- napájení z měřeného napětí
- montáž na DIN lištu
Manufactured SZS types
SZS2 - 24V |
SZS2 - 110V |
SZS2 - 220V |
- monitoring of both voltage polarities
- two closing contacts for each polarity
- fed from the measured voltage
- DIN-bar mountable
- monitoring for the earth-fault connection in DC voltage circuits